
Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Course Overview: Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery equips you with kitchen-based practical learning, as well as classroom theory-based subjects, that will prepare you to manage finances, a kitchen and a team – the skills essential for success in hospitality.

Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
  • Duration: 1.5 years
  • Funding: This quali­fication is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding to eligible candidates.
  • Course fee: Tuition fees- $14,000.00 ($0 for eligible Skills First Funding applicants)
  • Requirement
  • 18 years or older
  • Completion of Year 11 studies or equivalent
  • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
  • Please see POLICY AND PROCEDURE – VET Assessment of literacy and Numeracy Skills for further information
  • Career Opportunities:  Upon the completion of this course, you could become-:
  • Graduates will be qualified for the roles of Chef or “Chef de Partie”.

Work-based TrainingAs part of the course, student is required to complete 48 occasions (Certificate III in Commercial Cookery) and 12 occasions (Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery) of Work-based Training.  We will assist you in finding a suitable venue for you to complete your Work-based Training.


Course Details: Each candidate must demonstrate their competency in the following-

  • 33 units of competency
  • 26 core units
  • 7 elective units.

The course comprises of 6 stages, each comprising 10 weeks, with holidays in between. The first 4 stages are completed in the Certificate III. Stage 5 and 6 each comprise of 10 weeks, with holidays in between.


  • Core Units:

BSBDIV501 Manage Diversity in the Workplace

BSBSUS401 Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

SITHCCC001 Use Food Preparation Equipment *

SITHCCC005 Prepare Dishes Using Basic Methods of Cookery*

SITHCCC006 Prepare Appetizers and Salads*

SITHCCC007 Prepare Stocks, Sauces and Soups*

SITHCCC008 Prepare Vegetable, Fruit, Egg and Farinaceous Dishes*

SITHCCC012 Prepare Poultry Dishes*

SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes*

SITHCCC014 Prepare Meat Dishes*

SITHCCC018 Prepare Food to Meet Special Dietary Requirements*

SITHCCC019 Produce Cakes, Pastries and Breads*

SITHCCC020 Work Effectively as a Cook*

SITHKOP002 Plan and Cost Basic Menus*

SITHKOP004 Develop Menus for Special Dietary Requirements

SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations

SITHPAT006 Produce Desserts*

SITXCOM005 Manage Conflict

SITXFIN003 Manage Finances Within a Budget

SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety*

SITXFSA002 Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices*

SITXHRM001 Coach Others in Job Skills*

SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People

SITXINV002 Maintain the Quality of Perishable Items*

SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations

SITXWHS003 Implement and Monitor Work Health and Safety Practices

  • Elective Units:

BSBSUS201 Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices*

BSBWOR203 Work Effectively with Others*

SITHCCC003 Prepare and Present Sandwiches*

SITXCOM002 Show cultural sensitivity

SITHKOP001 Clean Kitchen Premises and Equipment*

SITXWHS001 Participate in Safe Work Practices*

SITXINV001 Receive and Store Stock*

*credit exemption granted from Certificate III
