
Diploma of Nursing

Course Overview: This qualification reflects the role of an enrolled nurse working under supervision of a registered nurse. This qualification covers the application of skills and knowledge required to provide nursing care for people across the health sector. A lifespan approach should underpin this qualification with relevant competencies that relate to the different stages of life identified within the units.

  • Duration: 80 weeks
  • Work-placements: 400 hours


  • Funding: This quali­fication is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding to eligible candidates.
  • Course fee: Tuition fees-  ($0 for eligible Skills First Funding applicants)
  • Prerequisite: There is no formal prerequisite for this course.
  • Entry Requirements:  You will be required to complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test and formal interview with one of the qualified Trainers and Assessors to establish whether this course is the correct qualification for your career path and job prospects.
      • Career Opportunities:  Upon the completion of this course, you could become-:
      • • Registered Enrolled Nurse

      • Pathways: After achieving HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing, students may continue their studies by enrolling in the following courses:
      • HLT64115 Advanced Diploma of Nursing 
      • Bachelor of Nursing (at a higher education provider or University)


      Course Details: Each candidate must demonstrate their competency in the following-

        • 20 core units.
        • 5 Elective units
        • Assessment : Assessment is both formative and summative may include a combination of: Questioning, Scenarios, Role Exams, Case studies, Projects, Practical Skills Classes and Workshops and Observation in the workplace.
        • Additional Requirements :
        • National Police Record Check and/or Police clearance from country of residence (home country)
        • Working with Children Check 
        • Immunisation record 
        • Undertake SCEI approved Numeracy Test to Identify level of support (on arrival in Australia, prior to semester 2) 
        • Attend an interview with the Nursing Course Coordinator and nursing trainer (on arrival in Australia)